This Week's Best Stuff on the Internet
Warren G & Kenny G, making sweet, sweet music together. Neither has aged a day since the 90s.
Every day, I find myself thinking, DAMN YOU BUZZFEED & YOUR CLICK BAIT! But seriously, how great are these babies that look like old men? I don't even like babies and I loved that.
Can we all raise a glass to Nora, who's using her Internet fame (sorry Nora, it's true) for good?
Even though Gwyneth is almost as annoying as Kanye West, and even though she used the word panty-dropper to describe this recipe, I still want to make goop's lemongrass baby back ribs.
Are you a fellow misophonia sufferer? Maybe reading this NYT article will make you feel less alone/crazy.
File this video under "easy ways to be better at life."
How about this guy, who bought up a bunch of twitter handles and is trying to get them to their rightful owners? And he's not even making them pay for it! Faith in humanity restored.
I'm tired of hearing about people's perfect relationships. We all have problems & I applaud these folks for talking about theirs publicly.
My friend Sarah talks about those times when you feel should-y about your business. You know, when you're like, I should get a Twitter account/write a book/start a blog. Read this & you'll feel better.
Here's a fun Hey Eleanor: Talk to your parents about death! Caitlin explains why you should, & tips for doing it.
Want to kick ass in the knife skills department? Check out this free Craftsy online course.
If you're on the paleo train (or just want to eat healthier), Melissa's got all sorts of tips for navigating restaurant menus with your waistline in mind.
How great does this trip sound right about now? Calgon, take me away!
Finally, do you like quotes? Do you have a website/business/life? If yes, then you might love this.
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