This Week's Best Stuff on the Internet
Happy Sunday! I found a lot of great stuff on the Internet this week, but this manatee video takes the cake... mainly because I know I'd act the exact same way.
Benjamin Percy's essay about Man Camp isn't really about man camp. It's about how guys connect (or rather, don't connect). Percy thinks a lot of guys kinda suck at making friends, himself included. I tend to agree. Thoughts?
This guy made over $2,000 selling his clutter. I'll have what he's having!
This grandma video will melt your heart. I'm not crying, it's just allergies!
Sweet, yellow, red, green and shallots. What in the hell is the difference between all these onions?! Mel J explains in this comprehensive all-about-onions post, plus lots of other helpful onion factoids.
Have to admit I am pretty interested in making these paleo pumpkin raisin cookies. And since we're on the subject, is there any way this grain-free rosemary flatbread could taste as good as it looks? I doubt it, but I want to try!
Please tell me you watched the Sizzler promo video? Like, has our taste improved this much in 25 years? I can't believe a company ever made such a thing, though I am thankful they did.
Thinking about getting a blender? Don't. Do this instead. Cheaper, easier to deal with and more flexible. Plus it takes up less space!
A little dark, but worth the read: why Dr. Justine Lee thinks you shouldn't let your pet die at home.
And lastly, I don't have anything against Jennifer Hudson, but I've simply never given her much thought. Then I watched this video and now I kinda love her.
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